Terms & Conditions


Translated from German. Local court: Hannover.

1 Scope of Application

The following Terms & Conditions are to regulate the relations between the workshop participants at the Dance! Global Fusion Festival, presented by the TaBeKu e.V. (Limmerstraße 1, 30451 Hannover, Germany), in short „Dance! Global Fusion Festival“. Additional and / or special terms and conditions may apply to certain offers or services if stated so in the workshop description.

2 Registration

(1) All workshop events of the TaBeKu e.V. require written registration by email or mail.

(2) Any registration becomes valid by default and contractually binding as soon as the registered person (participant) is identified as its legitimate adresser. It is also true for underage participants. The Dance! Global Fusion Festival generally reserves the right to claim payment from the owner of the email address or postal address, from which the registration is sent. By sending in their registration by mail, fax or email, the participant confirms having read, apprehended and agreed to these Terms & Conditions. Registrations, which are sent in online, are valid without a signature. Each registration is valid and binding for the participant even without a written confirmation from the Dance! Global Fusion Festival.

(3) Any and all registrations to the services of the TaBeKu e.V. are also valid and binding, even if no payment has been sent, and the registered person wishes to pay in cash. That means that the payment is also due even if the registered person cannot participate for any reason, including health reasons confirmed by a doctor. In this case, the payment is due immediately. The spots will be distributed in the chronological order in which the registrations were received.

(4) If a class or workshop is sold out, there will be a waiting list in the chronological order of the registrations. The Dance! Global Fusion Festival will inform the waiting list participants of any spot opening no later than 24 hours before the class starts. Any participants who agree to be put on the waiting list are effectively and bindingly registered as soon as they are informed about the spot opening no later than 24 hours prior to the class.

(5) We also accept last minute registrations. In such a case, please contact us by the cell phone number +49 (0) 170 58 98 904 (not by email) to make sure there are free spots available. The workshop fee is then to be paid in cash immediately prior to the workshop at the studio or via PayPal for online classes.

(6) The number of participants per class or workshop is strictly limited in order to offer enough dance space for each participant. This also applies to online workshops so that every participant gets the chance to receive personal feedback from the teacher. There is also a minimum amount of participants needed for each class to take place. If this number is not reached at least 5 days prior to the workshop date, the Dance! Global Fusion Festival may cancel the class. In this case, the participants will be fully reimbursed for the already paid workshop fees. The Dance! Global Fusion Festival will not be held liable for any further costs such as hotel bookings, flight or train tickets or any other measures taken by the participants.

3 Payment

It is often hard to calculate the correct fee for the workshops you have booked. Your total fee is listed in your registration confirmation. In order to avoid errors, please wait until you receive your confirmation email before sending payment.

4 Workshop Fees on a Sliding Scale

As a global online event organizer, we are aware of the fact that money is not distributed evenly amongst all of the world’s regions and social strata. That is why we are calculating our fees on a sliding scale. If you would like to book our workshops but are low on funds you are welcome to pay the lower fees. We are asking no questions about your actual financial status, but we believe that the international dance community is based on solidarity. If you find yourself in a comfortable financial position we are grateful if you can pay a fee that is higher on the scale. Thus, you are providing fair payment for the work of the organizers and teachers while supporting fellow dancers who are less privileged. Thank you!

5 Registration Confirmation

(1) You will receive a written confirmation via email after registering for the workshop(s).

(2) Within five days upon receiving your registration request we will send you a detailed written confirmation with all the important information as well as payment details. By sending it, we are confirming your registration. Please check your information and send us any corrections within three days after receiving our confirmation. If you don’t hear from us after six days, please contact us via email.

(3) Please send your payment after receiving your confirmation, see also paragraph 3.

6 Cancellation

(1) If you cancel your workshop booking, no matter the reason (even with a medical certificate*), the following cancellation fees are due:

  • up to four weeks before the workshop: €15 administrative fee
  • at a later time, for no-shows or illness (even with a medical certificate*): 100% of the workshop fees


*we cannot provide a credit note in such cases

However, you are free to sell your spot to another person. The payment claim remains with the person who originally booked the workshop.

(2) Your cancellation notice must be sent in writing. The date of your email or post stamp is relevant. The cancellation only comes in effect after the payment of the cancellation fee is sent.

7 Miscellaneous

(1) We can provide you with a formal invoice for your workshop bookings if needed. We do not issue any participation certificates or detailed confirmations of participation.

(2) The workshop teacher is not subject to the contract between Dance! Global Fusion Festival and the participant. We reserve the right to provide an equally qualified teacher in case of emergency (illness, death or similar).

(3) Any changes in the schedule, venue, teacher team or class combinations are reserved for the Dance! Global Fusion Festival in such cases as canceled flights, delays or any other unexpected occurrences on the teacher’s side.

(4) Any changes will be announced online, on our website and/or our Social Media outlets. The participants are required to check the status of the workshops on our Facebook page, our Instagram feed or website. Any changes made by Dance! Global Fusion Festival will not lead to reimbursement claims for bookings of travel, hotel, show tickets etc. made by the participants.

(5) No further liability or compensation claims are to be made in any case.

(6) The organizing team of the Dance! Global Fusion Festival reserves the right to photograph or film parts of workshops or other events of the festival for promo purposes. By signing up for the workshops, the participants agree with the photos and /or videos being published online. By booking a workshop you agree with your image being shared with the teacher and the other participants.

8 Liability

(1) Participation in the workshops organized by the Dance! Global Fusion Festival is at your own risk. Each participant is personally liable for injuries, accidents or thefts of any kind. The duty of supervision for minors cannot be assumed. The Dance! Global Fusion Festival is only liable for gross negligence.

(2) Statutory measures, natural disasters, traffic disruptions, disruptions in the supply of energy and raw materials, illness of the teacher, pandemics and other cases of force majeure, i.e. extraordinary events for which the Dance! Global Fusion Festival is not responsible, release the Dance! Global Fusion Festival for the duration of their effects of the obligation to fulfill the contract. In these cases, the Dance! Global Fusion Festival is not obliged to pay compensation, in particular not to reimburse travel and accommodation costs or loss of work.

9 Privacy Policy

The Dance! Global Fusion Festival takes the protection of personal data very seriously and adheres to the rules of data protection laws. The following declaration gives an overview of what type of data is collected for what purpose and to what extent this data is made available to third parties.

9.1 Collection of Personal Data
It goes without saying that we collect and save information that is sent to us by email, messenger apps, text message or in any other way. This applies to comments, names, email addresses and URLs that you write there. This information is voluntary and is not checked in any way. We would like to point out that the name, the specified website and comments can be viewed by every employee of the Dance! Global Fusion Festival.

9.2 Use of Personal Data
The Dance! Global Fusion Festival reserves the right to inform the participant about similar offers and events of the Dance! Global Fusion Festival in the future.

9.3 Right of Objection

Personal data may no longer be used for advertising purposes if the participant objects to this use. The objection can be exercised in writing or in text form at any time without giving reasons.

